Nile Valley Engineering is taking part in the development of Solar Energy technologies in the Mediterranean region collaborating with the most prestigious European research institutes and firms. We have also strong collaboration with esteemed partners from Morocco.
The scientific targets of the EUROSUNMED project are the development of new technologies in three energy field areas, namely photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP) and grid integration (GI). The focus in PV will be on thin film (Si, CZTS) based solar cells and modules while the goal in CSP field is to design and test new heliostats as well as novel solutions for energy storage compatible with these technologies. The project aims at producing components that will be tested under specific conditions of MPC (Mediterranean Partners countries): hot climate, absence of water, etc.. Such investigations are complemented with studies on grid integration of energy sources from PV and CSP in Morocco and Egypt context.
Main Objectives:
- Developing new technologies in 3 energy field areas, namely photovoltaics, concentrated solar power and grid integration, at the EU research centres, EU or national agencies and SMSs in strong collaboration with universities, research organizations and SMSs/industries from Morocco and Egypt;
- Testing innovative components (PV cells/modules, heliostats…) under specific conditions of MPCs (irradiation, hot climate, dust…).
- Establishing a strong network between EU and MPCs through exchange of students, senior researchers/engineers who will be the vehicles for transferring knowledge and technologies.
- Disseminating the results of the projects through the organization of summer schools, workshops and conferences towards large public from universities, engineering schools and stakeholders involved in the 3 selected energy areas and beyond